

People of freedom,

As God offered refuge to the good people of Sodom and Gomorrah before its destruction, so ought we do freely on behalf of the good people of Iraq and on behalf of the world and the reputation of free people forever. We represent the legacy and truth of freedom's most magnificent expression. We don't want war.

Please airlift (use drones) and distribute massive numbers of leaflets written in Arabic telling the story of Abraham, the angels and the good people saved. Also Sura XXXIX.16-18 of the Qur'an. Include in the leaflet photos of people drinking clean water and eating food. To all the people of Iraq, identifying and mapping large suburban areas (esp outside of Baghdad) of strategically located safe zones in every city. Irrelevant to defeating Sadam Hussein, these areas will not be attacked, water and food supplies delivered and only dealt with systematically after the war is over (precision guided 5 pound smart bombs for any offensive weapons). This way, in the chaos that follows the initial attack, millions of refugees will self sort their innocence. House to house, open street fighting will be made easier if the majority of innocent citizens freely choose to evacuate the city before ground troops enter.

Our proposed mission intends to serve the world, A humanitarian effort we hope the United Nations will support to protect the people of the world from confused dictators who believe in using weapons of mass destruction thinking they can force others to their point of view.

We may produce pornography, some bad movies and violent video games but we are free to try and correct our insensitivity and free to conduct ourselves admirably in war by order of our commander in chief.




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Riggs Bailey Roberts, MD
"Gratitude reboots the machine."

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